How to choose your bridal party
It is a special honor and an important responsibility to be part of a wedding party. The bride and Groom usually choose brother, sisters, close relatives or best friends. As the Bride & Groom, you should take into consideration whether or not the people you choose will accept this responsibility, and most importantly , can they afford it. Keep in mind that there is often wedding attire, pre-wedding parties not to mention possible travel expenses, if you are marrying interstate or overseas?
Remember if your best friend can not afford a trip to Fiji, it does not make them a crappy friend who does not deserve to stand with you at your wedding.
- Whoever your choose, you are bound to hurt someones feelings, so make your choices wisely!
Family over friends...
You may wish to avoid any conflict , or making choices between friends. then go with family only bridal party. It will be a great bonding experience with family and future in laws, sisters/cousins etc, and you won't hurt any of your friends feelings.
Who can you not do without?
Imagine your wedding day and who you would absolutely want with you. Go with them! You want to feel comfortable on your wedding day and have the People you most love with you. Give special roles to your other friends and if they truly love you they will understand.
- Above all, don't forget why you asked these people, to be your attendants in the first place!
Maid/Matron or Man of Honour,
Whom to choose: Sisters trump friends, but otherwise go for your oldest and most loyal Pal.- the one who knows when to tell you what you want to hear and when to be brutally honest ...
Best Man/Woman
Whom to choose: A brother/sister or best friend who won't party too hard at the reception - you do want them to make it all the way through the night after all.
- Picking someone that gets along with your partner is always a plus..
Whom to choose: " fun friends who will stay in your life, well after youv'e the last chunk of stale wedding cake ". Negative, needy, dramatic types need not apply. Once again sisters & close family may beat out friends for bridesmaid status. Don't forget your partner sister. - very PC.
" Old friends, cousins and both the Bride & grooms brothers are all good choices.
- if you are having a large wedding other friend can be ushers, still involved, but not walking down the aisle..
Next Week: Children at the wedding or in the wedding party !!!